Monday, November 14, 2005


I would like to introduce Billy button...I think that is his name? He was a Christmas gift to my SIL (Cheryl) from her boss or something at work. She hated it and I could see why so I told her to put it outside and maybe someone will steal it? So I did and sent her a ransom note for BB. Then I dressed him up and took photos of him all over and sent her notes. That was about two years ago and I would wait for her to forget about him. I was cleaning and guess who I found? You got it BB is back and you too can enjoy his travels. My arms hurt and I can't knit and I hate my Einstien Crippler jacket. I have enough coats to wear what do I need another one for? Stupid jacket...


Anonymous said...

I think BB should attend Thanksgiving dinner.

Spiderlady said...

You know he just might!!! good idea...maybe he will end up being TD!!