Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Warning, I think something exploded in my kitchen (staging area for shows)!! I can't find my kitchen table...I can't find my sink. Forget cooking...forget cleaning...I am down to the wire...aaaacckkkk!!! Ok so I have everything labeled...all the felted purses packed in a tote. Glue is drying on some hats? I had to go buy another tote for the hats, I have eight of them, they are going to be a challenge to pack. On top of all of this I had to add more stress by getting a new phone...I can't hear it ring so if you call me don't expect me to answer, not that I do? I don't even know if I can answer it if it does ring...aaahhhhh technology...!! It will just take some getting used to. Thursday after work I am taking all my creations down to Katie Gingrass and then I am done with it. They will put it out and sell it all!!! Ok so back to the mess at my house...if you do come over I found a great prop...I keep the vacuum cleaner in the middle of the living room...that way I can always say I was just in the middle of cleaning...forget it, the doorbell doesn't ring either. The photo is the top of the shawl, you knit the long edge with ribbon yarn, it is really quite pretty. I need a model?

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