Thursday, January 26, 2006

Who came early?

Those of us, that are regulars at Fiber Fanatiks, we know who we are, all know about who gets there and when. Lawdy, Lawdy, look who is walking through the door at 5:15ish, it was Michelle, Eugenie and Maryanne!!! Oh yeah, I am not kidding, early!!
It was good to see them and I took a photo for proof, the room is mostly empty!!! On a good note, Hazel Carter who suffered an aneurism, has come out of surgery and is doing well. We are all knitting a 7" square to make a blanket for her. Hazel is a very talented lady and a real character.
All you Wisconsin Knitters, and Olympian contenders, I have a blog up to post photos of your projects and to sign up and commit!!! Come on it will be fun!!!

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