Friday, December 30, 2005

Fiber Fanatiks Party

Come ye Merry Fiber Fanatiks, come enjoy the time...
with gifts of wool and yarn and stuff, good thing it's not a crime.
We gather with our kindred spirit...Ok enough with the the photos to the right will reveal we had an awful time...awful fun time that is. Once again eating and laughing and just having a good time. I do want to Thank all of the women that come from so would be a loss with out all of you. Everyone exchanged gifts and this time we had poetic justice...for all of our Susan fans...a few years back at our Christmas gift exchange it was my turn to pick a gift. I approach the table full of beautifully wrapped gifts and the excitement was overwhelming me...I carefully look for the perfect gift...the cute one..that one over there behind all of the others...that's the one. With great anticipation..I pull out the tissue paper on the top of the gift bag and gently put my hand deep into the bag so not to break anything that could break and

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