Thursday, December 15, 2005

Cranky Presents

I decided today that I am going to crank some socks out for presents. The picture makes the legs look like they are for a football player. They really aren't that bad. This week has flown by and I have done nothing creative. I did make Tiramisu for a Christmas party at work and I took my mom to the hospital for a scheduled stress test. I started a hand knit sock to do while I was waiting, that and my faithful Sudoku puzzle book. The book I love to hate. It is snowing again and the snow blower better work tomorrow, if I need it!!! I missed Greys Anatomy because I set the DVR to record it, seeing as though it was not at it's usual time, due to the Packers late game. I started to watch the recording and right in the middle of it, just like Murphy's law, the recording stopped ...the hour was up ...The football game went into I have searched the net to find the transcripts, I have found I have to wait for reruns...

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