Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sleepy day

Today is overcast, rainy and just good nap weather. These are the kind of days to light a fire in the fireplace, find a blanket, lay on the couch and read a good book or watch a good movie. Well we can dream can't we?? First off I don't have a fireplace, second if I lay down to read a book you can pretty much bet that I will be sleeping shortly. Yesterday I had to go to a funeral, my sister in laws cousin died, 57 years old. A really great I went to the wake, I walked up to the church and honestly the line went out the door with people waiting to pay their respect. I kind of sidled next to the line to get to my brother and Cheryl, skipping the whole line thing, she won't remember seeing me anyway. When I sat there with my jaw hanging open, I don't think I even know that many people let alone have them come to my funeral???? I told my brother, I'd have a five car funeral and that's if everyone takes their own car....what an honor and tribute to a life to have that many visitors, this was something you normally see at a young persons funeral. He worked at the Harbor commission and was a really nice guy, friendly and fun. His family was so close they all lived within blocks of each other, an old Italian style family. What kind of mark will you leave when you die?? I want people to know I lived...I want to leave a mark and not on someone's forehead, I want to change the world a little, I know it will not be Hollywood style, just to have changed someone's life, a little. Teaching is a great way to do that....sharing what you know. What good is knowing something if you don't share it?? It's like a good recipe, who cares if you are the ONLY one that can make that casserole that everyone loves?? It is an honor that someone would ask for a recipe, no one would ever ask for my recipes, but if they did and I would say, that is MY secret??? I will die with it and only be talked about as "she would never give us her recipe!" Instead think how great it would be if on that recipe card you put your name, every time that dish would be served, and diners would say "oh this is great" your name would be honored, It's Aunt Sally's recipe, it's one of my favorites....That is a life well lived, sharing, don't be stingy with your it.....

1 comment:

Janyce said...

I love the sharing. I love old recipes. Pasties!!! Trust me, you have miles of friends.