Thursday, May 20, 2010

Beware checks in the Mail

Does the government try to make you crazy??? Every month I pay my use tax, this is the tax you give me when I sell you something. State of Wisconsin wants their money and they have a website to do this. If you have ever done anything on a Wisconsin State website you will know that it is a bumbling mess. I try to navigate through it without pulling my hair out, but I guess I am a nimrod? I got two checks in the mail from the State of Wisconsin??? It was for Use tax, this should not be...I call and wait a reasonable 20 minutes, with the parrot, our first available representative will take care of you in order of calls.......Hi my name is Carrie, can I help you??? uh yeah I was sent money and I don't think I am supposed to get this money...Ok.....
So I guess, I filed but missed putting my name as the preparer and then when you get to the bottom you have to click on approve and I forgot when I get to the bottom I have to go back to the top of the page and reenter my password and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click OK and then they sent me the money I paid back and now I have to pay again and send the money back so they can credit my account and pay me back again????? Yeah....I will not forget to play ping pong with my mouse again and bounce up and down on a page, entering here and then here and then here and kill me now...I already hate bookwork.

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