Friday, August 11, 2006

New Toy Boy

I read the Yarn Harlot blog, each day. With each day she gives us a glimpse of her wonderful, busy, life with husband Joe and three growing girls. Her traveling and writing and speaking to many many knitters. Then there is the, sock. The traveling sock...the sock that so many knitters and non knitters want to fondle. Some have no idea why they are holding a sock and getting their photos taken and others push to get a chance to hold the sock. I have to say, I am a little envious of the sock. It lays at the feet of Stevie Ray held by famous actors and knitters and, and...yarn is sent to the Harlot in hopes of being chosen for the next "Sock" . Yarn is begging to be the next to sacrifice it's ply to become the next "Sock". Who would have thought, others would make socks to have their photos taken with the "Sock"? I'm sure sheep are starting to line up at shearing time wondering if they are donating their wool that will someday become ....the "Sock" yarn!!! Well move over "Sock" I have found a rival to the sock....the new, next, "Sock"!! It is the Toy Boy!! Naked Ken!!! Knitters everywhere will want to touch Toy Boy, they will want to knit for Toy Boy....scarves, sweaters, socks. He will be loved by every woman and some men. He won't wear out like the sock (and some men I knew.) He is easy to travel with and he doesn't talk. He doesn't need the remote and never messes with the toilet seat. He won't say he doesn't like the color of his sweater, or it's too tight, too big or too hot. He will be the envy of the "Sock" He will go to knitting parties and drink coffee with us and never complain, he will like it. He will travel and be blogged. So problem is the only Toy Boy I could find has on swimming trunks and a Tshirt, but it beat the Tuxedo Groom Ken, that one scared me. They also don't sell clothes anymore. So this is your chance to get your sweater, scarf, pants or any knitted or crocheted item, blogged. Toy Boy needs clothes!!! The first spread of a nude Burt Reynolds, was in Cosmopolitan, here is Toy Boy in his first centerfold. Have a great Friday!!!

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