Monday, July 13, 2009

Dog tired

Not sure if you can see the four little black paws that are conked out on the back of the couch, but he is there. Dog tired after a day of daycare. He was introduced to a new black lab puppy that is I think 10 weeks old and thought the drinking bowl was a swimming pool. When I picked him up, the girl at the counter said "Oh it's Lilies boyfriends mom?" Oh really??? My fur son has a girlfriend, not that I had any doubt, he must have ditched Madison the Pit bull mix??? and has fallen for his own type another little Westie. This is hysterical...furr kids!!!! But on the other hand they enjoy Iggy so much they offered me another day of daycare for 1/2 price, so he will now go on Fridays too. I highly recommend daycare for dogs, it is great socializing for them and exercise, swimming, chasing and just plain fun.

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