Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Buddy Squirrel meets Precious

You may be a tad squeamish but just keep in mind...It IS a stuffed squirrel..The real ones are in the back yard. I am thinking that my little Joey, alias Precious, for obvious reasons, was a little bored last night while I slept. I know I had no reason to sleep and after a wonderful night of chatting and knitting with the women, there was no walk in the itinerary and somebody must pay!!! It was little Buddy. Buddy is only one day old, and Joey has a fierce hate for squirrels. Her Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Scott brought her Buddy on Sunday. Immediately she was soaked with dog spit (Initiation). Then she did the welcome shaking to break the neck? Buddy got to sleep with me and Joey last night and I heard one faint squeak and then I fell asleep. Little did I know the demise that would become Little Buddy , as I dreamed of Carrot Cake and Apple Pie. I woke up to a pile of stuffing and two little arms laying side by side and a plastic squeaker gently laid next to Buddy. I never invested in Medical school for Precious, but maybe I should have, it's like she surgically painstakingly removed the arms. I think we are going for a walk tonight!!!


Anonymous said...

So when is the funeral?

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Buddy! Maybe Mommy can do some major surgery. Look at it this way. At least it wasn't a real critter that Joey stashed in a corner for a midnight romp.

Lois said...

Wow! Way to go Joey! Show that squirrel who's in charge!

Spiderlady said...

Update on Buddy...Joey was on the couch with beloved Buddy in her mouth and she bit into the tail and it was like a lightbulb went off, she found another sqeeker in the tail. Needless to say Buddy "had" a sqeeker in the tail. What used to be a fully stuffed squirrel is now a limp sqeekless, corpse.

Anonymous said...

What's with dogs and squeekers? My brother's dog does the same thing. I think you should collect all of the toy parts that Precious has piled up and sew them together and make Buddystein with a squeeker in every bite and see what she does.

Lois said...

I like your idea Betty!!! It sounds like something Joey would love!!!

Amy Lu said...

We have a Buddy the squirrel too! We keep him "up high" so Nigel doesn't do the same. Actually, he is our 2nd buddy, the first befell the same fate as yours.