Saturday, February 04, 2006

Helping Hands

I am knitting at top speed, in attempts to finish the color chart hat. I want to end it before opening day of the Olympics, so it is just great to have little helping hands (paws) that reach into the knitting and helps me to attain the right tension on my stitches. Well maybe he is helping me count, because this little paw keeps tapping the knitting as if to say...1...2...3...4...? I didn't see anything connected to the paw, just the paw. I can just imagine, how fascinating this constant movement of the needles and yarn jumping about must be to a cat. Needless to say I can not sit down that I don't have a grey cat on my lap. He is wherever I am and lending me a helping paw. Oh yeah I cut my hair? I who normally have stick straight hair, have developed crinkle cut french fry hair...under my top hair? Does that make sense? This could get hairy? Ok the hair on my neck is now curly and the covering hair is straight. I being in the throws of menopause, read this too is some wierd curse of the "Changes". Could I have any more symptoms? Am I the test pilot for every stinking malady of this age? I have constant hots and not the good kind. I have developed allergies I didn't have before, I have weight gain...not that I don't eat but? I have night panic attacks, skip the sweats...I am on HR drugs but sometimes I need to up the dose, but don't and just as I thought maybe I was leaving the Menses...I got curly hair? What the heck is this? If it was all curly or all straight it would be different but, what do you do with curly under hair? So I cut let me tell you when I say I cut it I do mean the naked stylist. Take a shower, wash your hair and cut it all in one easy swoop. I do (did) have long hair. Oh and it's winter and I have my heavy coat of hair, very thick. Can you see where this is going? I look like the sphinx, or Rosanna Rosanna Danna...hhhmmm the kid on Dutch boy paint with dark hair is more like it...what was I thinking?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! This too shall pass. As least it didn't fall out. That can happen you know!!!!!! Now it will just grow back with grey roots! Ya, gotta love it! I can't wait to see the new do.