Tuesday, March 07, 2006

PINK flamingo

Last night, was spinning guild night at my house. Searching for something pink to put on my blog, Karen had the best knit flamingo...it doesn't get much pinker than that!!! It is a Fiber trends pattern that you knit and felt...Isn't she cute...the flamingo I mean!!!!! hahaha So I am done with the parties for now (I breathe a sigh of relief)....I have a story about the old lady at the grocery store yesterday. I was picking up cakes for the evening and some old lady was looking in my cart with some disgust..either she thought that I took all the cakes and she wanted one, or she thought I didn't look like I needed any more cake? Either way it was none of her business, so after I passed her I looked at the front of my cart thinking maybe someone wrote something dirty on it?? no ..so I keep shopping only to encounter her once again, blocking the row I was going to go down, Behind her is a frustrated young man throwing his hands up in the air as she is perusing the jello shelves, with her cart strategically placed in the center of the aisle so no one can go anywhere. I am aimed right at her as she gives me another dirty look and I decide there is too much drama in that row, I can go to another aisle. So with shopping over, I am walking to the checkout line when here comes the old bag doing a sprint that would make a relay runner look handicapped. I was going to go into that lane, but she beat me too it, and too bad for her it was closed!!! Spared me the embarrassment of diving for the revolving belt. In a last minute gesture to save face she decided she forgot milk...hhhhmmmmm so as her husband was attending her cart...gazing at some chick four rows down, I was filling her cart with whatever the end cap had on it...batteries, air freshner and cereal. Lucky for her we were too far from the gift of the month stainless steel pans. so I left the store with a smile on my face and a bag full of cakes and sweet revenge.......note to self...never leave my cart unattended and don't be a crabby old lady, do drugs instead!!!!


Anonymous said...

Touche, I must remember that idea.
I usually go right up to them and say excuse me can I get though and start budging though so they get the message. If they want to plug the isles go shopping at 9:00 am when the rest of us are at work and out of their way. The old bats!

Lois said...

Hey, fill their cart, I like it!! What do you mean I'm done with parties? Aren't we having new color parties?

Spiderlady said...

I am done for a while. The color party is at the end of the month. Hey do you think I want to clean house every week???

Amy Lu said...

Ohmygoodness!!! Mental note to self-don't leave shopping cart unattended! (grin) I'm going to be chuckling about that one for a while!

Anonymous said...

I hope you added some prunes for the old bat, too.

Lois said...

Wow, Beth can I go shopping with you? That sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love it! Must not let my husband read this. He hates other shoppers. He will find a reason to hate almost every other shopper in the grocery store. I don't need him seeking revenge.

At least he understands screaming children and doesn't hold it against the parent.