Thursday, January 03, 2008

Beautiful Season

the beautiful photo won't upload???
This is the Beautiful Season and I dare anyone to deny it. When you look outside, the trees are heavily laden with snow and the sun makes it looks like it's dressed in diamonds. I know it's colder than cold but it is definetly beautiful. I have been busy, not ringing in the New Year but End of year crap. I have inventory to finish and then I can restock the shelves. I have a brown box sale and for the first day I did pretty good. Tonight is the first Spinning Guild meeting, something we here in Milwaukee really need. Ok all that stuff is boring, how about an update on my Sleep Apnea? If you need an update, I'm sure you do....the mask guy came out and fitted me with a new mask, the old one left a crease in my face that stayed till noon. I think it was a gutter for drool??? So now I have a nose muzzle, (my interpretation) it just covers my nose and I have slept very well with minimal creasing on my face!!!! Yeah!!!!! I thought I would drop my jaw and commence to snore but it's weird when you open your mouth you can't breath???? Besides the man left a chin strap....yes a chin strap to keep my jaw from far I don't need it. I remember the process of getting my baby ready for I have a whole procedure before bed...take my pill, pee, put on muzzle, put glasses somewhere that I can forget to find them pee again (just in case) and so on. The last thing I do before laying down is sit on the edge of the bed and look into the window, which very unfortunately shows my reflections.....this seals the deal, my sex life is and will be extinct!!!!!

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