Sunday, October 30, 2005

Please help me

I went on a cleaning binge...well it was a must do, not a want to!!! I bought a roast and it bled all over my fridge...partly because I couldn't jam it in straight. So it was tipped and dripped between the glass. This is due to the fact that I just keep shoving stuff into the fridge and I don't even know what is in the back..I am good about fresh stuff but not the jar stuff. I guess I figure if it's pickled's pickled? So in a "had to" moment, I cleaned my fridge...ruthlessly, well shamelessly is more like it. What on earth does one person do with 4 jars of mustard and I don't even like mustard...honey mustard, yellow mustard, poupon and horseradish mustard...aaaaccckkkkk!!! But what I really need help with is BBQ sauce..I had 7 count them seven bottles of BBQ sauce? What is that about...Ok so some were stashed in my pantry which I might add got some deep cleaning too, but 3 were open and I threw one out before deciding I needed help!!! My explanation is this I didn't like it so I just put it back in the food changer fridge....figuring if I didn't like it now, if I put it back it will taste different tomorrow? Hey I never claimed to be sane!! So this is why I didn't knit or spin today!!! Look close next to the Silk there is one huge bottle of mustard left, but it's all clean and sparkly in there. I should never have bought that roast...Oh and how about the pantry...10 bottles of some Chinese cooking crap to make one dish 5 years ago, probably when I was trying to woo some goof...the goof is gone and now so are the ingredients.

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