Yeah you read that right!!!!! Now picture that girl up there, without Asian features, white, pink and purple hair, about 100 pounds heavier and mosquitos all over her......I just figured out one of the downsides of living upstairs from a shop, where people are coming and going all day!!!!! I just finished a class so it is night and I put on my nightie, or tent, whichever is more appropriate at the moment and decided to lay on the couch and watch the "Big Bang" or Fireworks for Summerfest....
I am being attacked by blood thirsty mosquitos. I am not kidding, I have single handedly killed 10 and one flew in my ear and while I was thrashing my head around to dislodge it, two more were biting my elbows and ankles... I am serious, I may have to get mosquito repellent to wear to bed!!!!! I can see one right now on the wall....just waiting for me to relax again. They are flying into my glasses, is this on camera somewhere....... I feel like one of those sushi restaurants where the woman lie naked and the food is all over them...I'm just one honking huge buffet. This is freaky and tomorrow I am closing off the upstairs, this is like camping without the bonfire. The glory of this is that the bites won't show up for two days, so I will be a walking welt by Sunday!!!!! My desire to knit on a sock has left and I want to go get some armor to protect me from the darn mosquitos. What the heck are they doing in my ear?????....another one.....I am going to get Q-tips and shove them in my earholes to keep them from flying into them. So picture this, heavy sweatshirt and flannels, wool socks, air conditioner cranked on high, Q-tips in both ears and sitting in my living room????? What is wrong with this picture??? Boy this ruined the Fireworks and I'm not even outside!!!!! Body count 20 and the one on the wall is about to be 21.......
I sprayed myself down with CVS fake OFF! last night before bed! I had that skintastic junk..screw that, give me DEET! I don't think I woke up with any new bites at least.
Also, the CVS brand of bug bite stuff works better than afterbite I think. I have it dabbed all over my ankles.
Can you burn citronella candles outside the door to discourage the little beasts? I keep a Siberian Fir candle going on 'buggy' days and it seems to cut back on them, though we don't have nearly the numbers of mosquitos Wisconsin has (though we do have huge numbers of reported West Nile virus cases here in IN.) Maybe you should swath yourself in a giant veil of netting... of course then you'd have to pee... or the phone would ring... or ice-cream would be required. Oh, now I want Kopp's custard. Dammit. Go have some for me, k? Hope your blood count is back up (as should the body count be). C
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