Sunday, January 08, 2006

Up in Smoke

For those of you that were at the Fiber Fanatiks Christmas Party, you will not have worry about getting the fruitcake, next year. The wicks were lit and the fruitcake is burning. That is about all fruitcake is good for, other than a doorstop. I got this as a gift...and I was having a fit when I was unwrapping it! Who would give me a crappy fruitcake that looked 30 years old and weighed a ton, wrapped in crisp cellophane, that crinkled and giggled as I was cursing and trying to figure out how to rid myself of this horrible cake of nut and fruit filled concrete. Well turns out it was a candle on closer evaluation...sorry!!! So what better way to get rid of an ugly fruitcake candle...wrap it up and give it as a joke in a game of "you get stuck with it if you unwrap it!!!" No more it is on it's way to fruitcake candle heaven..up in smoke!!! It didn't want to die easily though...Beth lit it and it nice is that a Cobra Fruitcake candle to boot? Hissssssssssssssss


Anonymous said...

How does that legend go, there is only one fruit cake that has been passed (regifted)from recipient to victim for 100 years. Maybe if a fruit cake is passed around that long it turns itself into a candle to end it lonely, rejected life in a blaze of glory because it can't jump off a cliff or jump infront of a train.

Spiderlady said...

Hey you may have something there...maybe that is what happened? Well guess what it's dead now..misery over!!! Fruitcake...ugh Never met one I liked...

Anonymous said...

Hate to say it girls, but that does not look like a fruitcake. It looks more like already been chewed!!!!!!! It should go in a blaze of glory. Hope the Homeowners Insurance is paid!!!!!