For those of you that think that, I am just trying all these fun things to stimulate creativity or for getting're right!!! But I was perusing through some of my photos and ran across this one from from "Knitting Olymipics". When I see this I crack up laughing. I got on the band wagon of the Knitting Harlot, when she suggested that we have, during the real olympics, Knitting Olympics. We chose projects that would be a challenge either to knit or just to finish. We cast on during the opening ceremonies and had a mid olympic party and then the Award ceremony. And there were medals and the coveted "Gold Needles". This photo is of the closing ceremony and the medal awards. In true fashion of the Olympic medals I used miniature CDs and printed on them and made I-chord ribbon and we all got one. I am a true believer in we are ALL winners. But then it came to the Gold Needles and we had what is most fair .....a drawing!!! So back to the photo, I tried to take a photo with my camera using the self time and was trying to get my big arse into the photo, which I did quite successfully I might add!!! (I was trying to pose in the photo) and have three various shots of me butt!!! It cracks me up because we were laughing so hard. Then we had to sing, or hummm the Olympic theme, which set off my singing dog, that started howling with us and thinking she was pretty cool hanging out with all of these crazy woman!!! So I tried to take video of that with my point and shoot camera, another joke and all I can hear is me barking "Do it now?" which was supposed to be the cue for start singing. But with my mouth close enough to the camera to lick the lens, my helium munchkin voice is only rivaled by my dogs. So my being nutz, goes back a lot farther than last year. I was born this way, and I couldn't be happier. By the way, who turned up the heat and humidity?
My Olympic competitors, cheering me on.....
Getting caught in the Red flashing light, like a deer in headlights.
Not quite hovering over the seat of my chair? (my mom taught me to do that hover thing over a toilet seat!, never thought I'd actually use it?) Just look at those laughing faces...... I bet you're laughing!!!